Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ten Months!

I just can't believe it! My baby is ten months old! It's so hard to believe (or accept!) that my little man is so nearly approaching his first birthday. It's hard not to be in love with him as he is now - he's handsome, charming, and full of joy at life's simplest pleasures - like, say, an empty soda bottle! But while I am trying to enjoy him today, I can't help but long for him to be little(r) again. To have one more whiff of brand-new baby smell; to see his first smile; to have silent conversations as we stared at one another; to take a nap with him; to relish a time when he'd fall asleep in my arms... these are just some of my favorite memories from the past ten months.

Here, finally, are some pictures. These are his official ten month pictures, but I have several others I'd like to share. I'll try to spread them out over a few posts - maybe that will encourage me to write more often! Also, I went back and added video of him crawling in this post - be sure to check it out!!


  1. AWWW, that makes me sad. They are growing up so fast...

  2. Wow - looking GOOD and looking TODDLER in these! I like his and Daddy's almost reverse plaid shirts.

  3. I can't believe it either. He is growing so fast.
