Friday, May 29, 2009

A Ride in Paw-Paw's Tractor

Memorial Day we had lunch at the in-laws. Food and company were excellent, and the weather was even nice. Paw-Paw, a farmer, had been out working that morning, and came in shortly before lunch time. After we ate, he wanted to take Henry out for a ride in his big John Deere tractor. Paw-Paw, Daddy and Henry took a short tour of Highland in the big rig. Daddy said Henry kept a pretty good grip on him, but was absolutely fascinated with all he saw and heard. I think I know what that face looks like. ;)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Big Boy Car Seat!

Henry's got a new ride.

Almost two weeks ago, we purchased a new big boy car seat. After researching different models, and learning more about car-seat safety in the process, we decided on an Evenflo Triumph Advanced. It's the Premier edition, and is a beautiful seat that looks great in my car... not that aesthetics was anywhere near the top of the list of priorities when making our decision. But, it's a nice touch.

The Triumph Advance, known in car-seat circles as the EFTA, comes highly touted as the most highly rated, comfortable, and safe convertible car seat in it's price range. There are certainly seats available for far more and far less money, and ratings follow respectively. If money were no object, Henry would have a Britax, but I have been assured that there is no "perfect" seat, and all must pass the same minimum safety standards, so I feel very confident that our choice was what was best for us.

We based our decision on a number of factors, including ratings, ease of installation and use, size, weight/height limits, price, and comfort. I want Henry to remain rear-facing (RF) until at least 18 months (hoping really for 24) and the RF weight limit on the EFTA is 35lbs - this meets the AAP recommendation. I also want Henry to be harnessed to the maximum weight limit of the seat, and for the EFTA that will be 50lbs. This isn't the highest limit available, but higher than most. When Henry outgrows this seat, we'll move him to a booster which will go to 100lbs, although I believe we'll be out of the seat before then, especially because he is such a big boy.

So far we love the seat! I was concerned that he wasn't reclined enough to be comfortable, but Daddy easily fixed that with a rolled up towel, per instructions in the owner's manual. It's plush and roomy, and he can really kick his feet up!

Okay, here's my schpeel: the current law in Texas states that children must ride rear-facing until they are 20lbs and 1 year old. That is really a bare minimum that the state requires, but most seat manufacturers, as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends leaving children rear-facing to the maximum weight/height allowances of the individual car seat, or 35lbs and 2 years old. There are lots of families who even practice extended rear-facing well into toddler-hood.

Here is a link for a video that convinced me we weren't going to forward-face Henry at one year. There is simply no good justification for turning him yet, especially when the safety benefits of leaving him rear-facing are so great. I hope you'll watch it and consider passing this information along. This is an article discussing the pros and cons of extended rear-facing. For more great car seat information, visit this site.

As for our family's decision, for now, we're going to reevaluate at 18 months. I would be very comfortable extending to the full 24 months recommended by the AAP, but 18 months is our compromise. ;)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swimming... or not.

Months ago I found a kiddie inflatable swimming pool on clearance at Wal-Mart for just $5. I put it away, along with a pair of swimming trunks, long awaiting summer days when I imagined Henry splashing and squealing away in it. Well, those days are here - or so I thought.

I decided one day recently that it would be time to give it a try. Henry loves his baths, so I was just sure he'd be equally enamored with the swimming pool because he also loves being outdoors. I invited M and A to join us, and soon we had both babies suited and slathered with sunscreen.

First, there was the fiasco of getting the derned thing inflated. I quickly realized just blowing air into it myself would never work - not if we wanted the kids to swim sometime that week. M and I were contemplating firing up the air compressor (which we neither one knew how to do) when I remembered we have a manual pump for our air mattress. I dug it out from the closet, and in under five minutes, the pool was ready to go.

Perhaps we should have known... the babies were already a little short with us during all the pumping and prepping. Just getting the pool outside to it's spot and keeping it there despite a considerable breeze that threatened to blow it away was a challenge. Meanwhile, I was trying to bring water out to the pool 2 quarts at a time using a tea jug so that the water would be warmer than if we had used the water hose. And all this time, M is juggling both babies who have by now proceeded to express their impatience and intolerance for our bumbling around. So... it wasn't going quite like I had imagined. ;)

Finally, we had both babies in the mostly still empty pool, and as I continued to bring water out in a series of trips, the struggle became keeping the babies, particularly A, in the pool. M was of course on baby round-up detail, and I was back and forth between house and pool, bringing out cameras and toys with each trip. A began to fuss again with frustration at being corralled, and that was all it took to set off Henry too. Next thing I knew, both babies were crying and I hadn't even gotten the pool filled! I was torn between continuing to bring water, in the hopes that as it filled, the pool would be more fun and we'd still be able to salvage our efforts... and staying with Henry to help calm him down, which I knew would be futile anyway. He was clearly not a fan of swimming.

So, with both crying - sometimes wailing - babies in the pool, M and I did the only thing we could. We took pictures. [insert maniacal laughing]

After archiving the disaster, we swiftly got both babies wrapped in towels and back in the house to be dried and changed. The crying continued. I think exhaustion had set in by this time, and I knew Henry wouldn't have real peace until he had a nap. I did get a couple of red-eyed smiles after he was in his dry clothes again and playing with some toys.

I'm fairly sure my child isn't American - he doesn't like mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, or swimming.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Picture Perfect Picnic

A friend of mine had her baby yesterday, so Henry and I set off this morning to visit her and her newest bundle of joy. We arrived at the hospital and met Daddy, and then the three of us headed to the maternity wing and visited for a bit. I had packed Henry and myself a lunch, expecting to maybe eat with Daddy after our visit. To our surprise, Daddy's boss offered for us to take our lunch "to go" so we headed to the city park and found a beautiful, quiet spot to enjoy our lunch on what is certainly one of the last pleasant days of spring in Texas this year. It's approaching the end of May, so 100 degree days are in our near future.

I hadn't planned for an outdoor lunch, but I just so happened to have a large blanket in the back of my car, so we spread out beneath a tree and shared a yummy lunch as a family. It is one of those blessings that demands my immediate gratitude to God for allowing me to be a stay at home mom, able to stop everything I'm doing to spend time with my family. These moments, especially now when Henry is our only child and still so young, won't last long. I cherish them and praise the Lord for blessing me far beyond my worth.

Eleven Months!

No. No way. It can't be true. My Little Man simply cannot be eleven months old - a mere 4 weeks from the end of his first year. He is literally growing right before my eyes, making it a risk to even blink so as not to miss a single moment.

Yes, yes... I am among the ranks of the world's worst bloggers. I haven't been faithful to our followers in reporting the "daily blessings" Henry brings to us. He is mobile and into everything. He's fine-tuned his crawl for speed and agility, able to zoom across a room in the time it takes me to turn around. In fact, I can bet that if I turn around, I'll have to look for him - because he won't be where I left him. He is also working on two-legged mobility. He loves to hold on to our hands and walk, and can do so for considerable distances. His balance is still off, but he sure wants to be on the move just like the rest of us - on our feet. He loves to cruise around the furniture, and is just starting to experiment with letting go. He only stands a moment or two hands-free, but I know where this is headed, and I'm afraid it'll be here only too soon. I predict he'll be walking, or just nearly walking, by his first birthday. (Okay now, Henry - get busy proving Mama wrong!)

Here are his eleven month pictures. I love to take a "scroll" down memory lane by looking at the progression of the past year on the sidebar of this blog. Be sure you do too!

Where, oh where has my baby boy gone? Clearly, he's not a baby anymore. *tear*

Friday, May 1, 2009

Photo Update: Easter

Daddy had to work Easter this year, so Henry and I made the trip to church without him. Our church always has an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos, but it was really soppy and wet outside as it had rained a good bit the day or so before. I decided that since this would be the year he wouldn't throw a fit about missing it, we'd skip it and opt to stay warm and dry instead. I do think he would have had fun watching all the big kids though. Doesn't he look handsome?? :)

Photo Update: Diaper Bag Diving

Henry climbed Mt. Mommy for some diving - diaper bag diving! (Forgive the blurriness of the action shot...)After diving, he "helped" me unpack his bag - in other words, he dragged everything out of it. ;)

Photo Update: Playdate

Okay, so I'm waaaaaay behind, and I have several photos I want to share, so I'll just dump them into a few picture posts. I guess it's too much to ask for me to keep up these days!

Up first is a playdate with M and A we had the Saturday before Easter. Henry and A played together and I slipped out to run to a consignment shop hoping to find a white polo for Henry's Easter ensemble. It was a fun visit!