Saturday, April 11, 2009

The run-around...

The past couple of days have been busy. Henry and I have been out more than we've been home it seems, but I do kind of like being out and about. It breaks up our routine a little, but he's at a good age and seems to be resilient enough to handle it well.

I had a dog as a kid who loved a ride in the car. She wanted to be in your lap, and would be snout-to-the-glass until you rolled down the window so she could let her ears flap in the wind. Bliss. Henry is no exception (minus the snout and ears). I really think he enjoys rides in the car. Like most babies, he does sleep in the car, though not immediately. He will spend the first thirty minutes of the trip looking left and right out the windows. Our newest vehicle sits up a little higher than our previous car, and I think he really likes the view. He's generally a really observant baby.


  1. I can just picture Henry a couple of months from now really enthralled by the views when he can sit higher up and face the FRONT!

  2. I love it!!! and I for one remember a few trips with your puppy sitting in my lap. :-) Good times!
