Monday, April 6, 2009

Milestone: Waving Bye-Bye (or Hello!)

Milestone Alert! Yesterday, for the first time, Henry waved to us. This is the first really meaningful gesture he's used to communicate with us, other than smiles and putting out his arms to be picked up. We were having lunch after church yesterday at Grammy and PawPaw's house. After he did it the first time, we all broke out in cheer - a reaction I think he liked. He repeated, and so did the applause... I pointed out that we ought to wave back instead - clapping and cooing isn't a normal response to a wave. ;)

This is a skill I've been modeling and teaching for the longest time it seems, but developmentally he just wasn't ready yet. Or, is it possible that he's understood all this time and has just not responded? Who knows! We didn't get pictures of it yet, but I'll post when we do.

I should also take this opportunity to apologize for my absence. I really hope to get back in the blogging habit this week, maybe now that life isn't feeling so hectic. I spent the last week or so preparing for a yard sale, and it managed to take up most of the free time I would have otherwise spent online. Be assured, you haven't missed much. He is still working really hard on crawling, but just isn't there yet. He might crawl a step or two, but I don't think it counts. When it's official, you'll all be the first to know!


  1. Thank you for the update. I like to end my day reading blogs. Makes me feel less like I'm in a room all day working on computer stuff. Love ya!
