Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Way

Well, after watching Henry's peers whisper, shout, shake, and squeal the word "no" at their parents, sometimes in jest and often in defiance, my day has come.

Henry has finally discovered the word "no."

As of today, I don't think he really knows how to use it. If I ask him a yes or no question, he doesn't respond verbally, either in negative or affirmative (though if he understands the context of what I'm asking, he does respond to that with appropriate action.) If I give a command, he hasn't thrown down that gauntlet. But, now, when I tell him "no, no, Henry" he likes to repeat me. Of course as he says it, he's still doing what I told him not to 99% of the time, but he's experimenting with the word. When we sing "This Little Light of Mine" and we get to the verse "Hide it under a bushel - NO!" he likes to say the "no," often with fervor.

I know it is only a short time before I'm arguing with my toddler. Lord, give me patience and good humor.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Fun With a Plastic Box

(Be sure you click to enlarge this one.)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let's have a Wordy Wednesday instead!

At 15 months, Henry's vocabulary has almost doubled already in the past two months. And as I said in my last post about the words Henry is saying, there are TONS of words in his receptive vocabulary (those words that he understands when he hears them but isn't verbalizing.) I'm such a proud mama!

Here are the additional words I'm adding to the list now at 15 months. There are likely some I'm forgetting, but this list covers most of them.

Words Henry says regularly or when prompted:
  • paw-paw
  • tractor
  • bubble
  • "nana" (banana)
  • grandpa
  • "mop" (mama help - when he needs help)
  • "wa-wa" (water/agua)
  • "raffe" (giraffe)
  • knock-knock
  • outside
  • kitty
  • woof (dog sound)
  • chicken
  • eat
  • please
  • boom
  • bath
  • mouth
  • mouse
  • house
  • grass
  • "pass" (pacifier)
  • Henry
  • Bible
  • moon
  • "mmmmm" (whale sound" - pitching intonation)

Words Henry has said at least once but won't necessarily say when prompted:
  • lion
  • baby
  • tree
  • flower
  • block
  • green
  • red

Words Henry can sign:
  • please
  • eat
  • drink
  • chicken
  • thank you

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Henry is Fifteen Months

You wanna come and read with me?

Stacking is my specialty.

Aren't you going to applaud?

Yeah, I know I'm that cute.

Henry turned 15mo old yesterday. It nearly came and went without our even realizing it. He amazes us every day. His sweet personality is more evident all the time, and he is just so bright. He picks up on things so quickly now, and has a slew of tricks to show off. He loves to gives hugs and kisses. He can easily entertain himself, but is also beginning to blossom socially. He and Amelia have play dates weekly, and Mandy and I have really noticed how they're actually interacting with one another instead of just parallel-playing. A couple of weeks ago, Henry followed Amelia around trying to talk her into playing with him. Last week, the kids were in rare form, running around the kitchen, hollering, and scattering toys everywhere. You can't buy this kind of entertainment!

We went today for his check-up and another round of vaccinations. He weighs 27lbs 4oz and is 32.5inches. I had her double-check his length because that was only 1/2in. gain from three months ago. I was just sure he had grown more than that, especially because I know he's had at least one good growth spurt since then. Maybe the measurement was wrong last time. Anyway, he is in the 75th percentile for weight and length, and is holding steady at better than 95th for head circumference. The kid is well-endowed in noggin. Dr. Miller said he is perfect in every way, and at or beyond all milestones and development for his age. She thinks he's going to be very intelligent and advanced, but she is particularly fond of Henry, so she can't help but say nice things about him. Of course, she might be right. ;)

If I could only share one new cute thing Henry is doing today, it would be his impersonation of Jimmy Johnson. Scratching your head? He was the long-time head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. How, might you ask, is a fifteen-month-old baby imitating an NFL football coach? Well, when Zac and I attended a recent game, we bought Henry a souvenir mini-football. When you drop or catch the ball, it plays one of three recorded soundbites. One is the old fight song from way back in the day. The other two are of Jimmy Johnson's most memorable quotes: "Touchdown, Cowboys!" and "How 'bout them Cowboys?!"

So, now Henry is trying to say, "How 'bout them Cowboys?!" It is SO cute!! *swoon*

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baby Update

We had an appointment last Tuesday and as they say, no news is good news. The first appointment is typically exciting and informative (ultrasound, comprehensive physical and blood work, etc.) but the next two or three appointments can be, well, uneventful. We were in and out in under 30 minutes, and that includes waiting room time, and taking time to ask Dr. M several questions.

I had not expected to be, but I was vaccinated for the regular flu at this visit. Immunity takes about two weeks post inoculation, so within another few days I hope to be better prepared to face the flu season which is already rearing its ugly head here in Texas. Zac reported that prescriptions for tamiflu are already coming through the pharmacy - a sign that the flu bug is biting. I also plan to get the swine flu vax once it becomes available later in October. Pregnant women are in a special risk category for this illness, and I don't want to risk picking it up, thus endangering myself or my family.

Otherwise, the appointment consisted of the usual: tinkling in a cup, getting on the scale, checking my blood pressure, and answering basic questions by the doctor about how I'm feeling. The highlight: finding baby's heartbeat on doppler. The heart rate was 155bpm and I have to say it's about the most amazing thing to hear. In these earlier weeks, before feeling baby, it's so nice to have that confirmation of well-being. It also is just a marvel to ponder that this little life is growing in there without my really being aware of it, physically.

I'm still awaiting baby to make his/her presence known soon. I'll be 14 weeks this Saturday, and that's just a three week difference from when I first noticed Henry moving at 17 weeks. I look for flutters to start any day now.

We made our appointments for the next regular check up and our next ultrasound. We'll see the doctor again on October 6th and will get another look at baby on October 27th. Look for an exciting post shortly thereafter - we'll be announcing the impending arrival of our SON or DAUGHTER!! So excited!

I am feeling better overall, thankfully. Still get a nauseous episode, but no more all-day yuckies. Heartburn is still daily, but I don't expect that to get better before it gets much worse, and for now the meds are still controlling it fairly well. I spent the first trimester baffled at my energy level; when pregnant with Henry, I was SO wiped out for the first few months, but have really not felt that drain until just the past week or so. Strange timing, but it would have been stranger to have really escaped it altogether. When you consider that my body is literally manufacturing another human being, it's all too understandable that I'd be dragging a little. It helps when I get to bed at a decent time - still working on that.

That's all for now - stay tuned.

Photog Flunkie

What is the number one quality in a really, really bad photographer?

Not taking pictures.

My camera has been neglected for the better part of a month now. That's so unlike me. When I peruse back through my file folders on my hard drive, I have historically taken upwards of 150 to 200 pictures a month. As Henry has gotten older, I have taken less, but is it really believable that over the past month Henry hasn't been picture-worthy? Doubtful. He is becoming more handsome every day and until it was brought to my attention that I've not been clicking enough, it hadn't occurred to me that I'm missing these daily memories of his sweet face.

I'm vowing to get back behind the camera more often. And, more pictures means more blog posts - it's a win-win!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Henry's Fort

On his way out to scavenge...

...for provisions.

Okay, it was mostly wordless.

Eleven and a half weeks, and finally some relief.

Do I dare say that I'm feeling better? If I do, am I risking the inevitable spike of nausea and indigestion that will mock and spite me? Is it possible that things are turning around this soon? I sure hope this is what it looks like. I'm still having a bad day here and there, but definitely more good days than bad. My biggest daily complaint is heartburn, but it isn't always presenting in its traditional form. Most days, I sport a nasty acidic taste in my mouth all day, which has resulted in raw gums due to profuse brushing. For about four or five days now I've had mild but annoying chest pain that I'm almost certain is just another version of heartburn. Tylenol does seem to remedy that, but it is back within the four hours of taking it. For now, I'm combating this foe with lots of Zantac and Tums, though the chalky aftertaste of the Tums is enough to make me gag most days. Sigh.

My next appointment is now under a week away. It will be mostly uneventful, but we will get to find baby on doppler. I'm looking forward to that little peace of mind. These long weeks between appointments in the early months, when it's too soon for physical confirmation of baby's wellness in the way of movement and kicks, make for some uneasiness. It'd be nice to have a window into the womb from time to time, just to check up on things. Good news is that I anticipate baby to make his/her presence known in the next few weeks. I felt Henry for the first time at seventeen weeks, and it's typical to feel movement earlier in subsequent pregnancies.

In so many ways, this pregnancy is just different. I was reading recently through my pregnancy journal for Henry and found that at 20 weeks I was still not really showing yet. I know it isn't all baby, but I already feel huge at 11 weeks this time. I can thank bloat and general tummy upset for that, I'm sure. I'm monitoring my weight here at home weekly, and as of last Saturday, I still hadn't gained from my last appointment - in fact, I was even down a pound and a half. Not sure how that's possible because my clothes are telling me I'm bigger. In fact, I'm pretty sure my denim shorts told me I'm a whale.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Where's baby?

This morning, I was sitting in the desk chair while Henry was playing. He came up to me and stood between my legs, which I decided became a good opportunity to talk about baby. He's not yet 14 months, so I know his understanding is limited if anything, but maybe getting used to hearing the word will make the transition less shocking. Here is what transpired:

Mama: Henry, did you know there is a baby in here? [points to belly]

Henry: [touches belly where Mama points]

Mama: your little brother or sister is right in here! [again, pointing to belly]

Henry: [looks at Mama, then again at her belly]

Mama: Henry, where is the baby?

Henry: [lifts up Mama's shirt and proceeds to look for baby; doesn't see him/her, so grabs the top of Mama's stretchy pants and pulls down; still no baby]

Mama: [giggling hysterically]

Henry has a lift-the-flap book called Where is Baby's Belly Button? On every page is a picture of a baby with some part hidden behind or under something, i.e. baby's eyes under the hat. He loves this book. On the last page, it asks, "Where is baby?" Baby is hiding under a blanket, and when Henry lifts this flap, we make a big deal: "THERE he is!" He knew if he kept lifting or pulling things, he'd find that baby Mama was talking about. *grin*

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A peek at baby!

**I can't understand why this picture keeps uploading sideways, and I can't seem to fix it. So, forgive me for any strain incurred at the necessity of craning your neck in order to see it in it's intended orientation.**

Here is our first glimpse of the new baby. This was taken today at 8w5d. We had our first sonogram and OB appointment this morning. It was surreal to see the little "gummy bear" on the screen moving, his/her little heart just beating away (182bpm!). I think it's especially difficult to grasp this early, as it's too soon to know a baby is even there (except for all the nausea, heartburn, and digestive issues.) I was awe struck, and immediately felt humbled by God's miracle growing inside of me.

Henry went with us to the doctor's office. He elected not to take his nap beforehand, against my advisement and insistence (you can put a baby to bed but you can't make him sleep - you can quote me on that). I feared the worst, but of course he really is such a great baby and did really well considering. He wanted to run around, and so was squirmy when we were holding him, but he wasn't fussy or difficult. He even had to go longer than usual before lunch, and was such a trooper. I'm so proud of my little man. And, thankfully, he made up for his missed nap and took a nice long three hour siesta this afternoon. Rest time for Mama, too!

My OB says everything is measuring right on track and looks good so far. We're continuing with progesterone therapy for at least two more weeks. We'll do one more draw at that time and reassess. Meanwhile, I have another 4 weeks ahead of me before we get another status update. My next appointment is September 8. At that time I'll be almost 13 weeks and at the end of my first trimester. We won't see baby that day but we should be able to hear baby's heartbeat on the doppler. September 8th doesn't sound that far away, but I know the days will go slowly as long as I'm counting. And I will be counting. :)

My due date got bumped up a day to March 20 instead of 21. What I really think happened is that the doctor read the little dial correctly where the registrar didn't. I knew it was the 20th, but I didn't argue when I was originally told the 21st. What difference does one day make? This means I will be 9 weeks on Saturday. Woohoo!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A new little pea in the pod!!

Yep - we're expecting again! If you hadn't guessed - or already heard - the "life changing event" I mentioned in a previous post is referring to learning of a new pregnancy. The newest little House will make his/her debut in March of 2010, God willing.

And, if you recall, that post mentioned how this life changing event has really consumed me over the past month. That couldn't be further from the truth. Between not feeling well most of the day and spending what little time I have online reading up on my pregnancy and baby info (like I don't still have it all memorized from being pregnant just a short time ago), I've completely neglected my blogs. I truly want to use this blog to sort of chronicle or journal about this pregnancy, so I need to step it up. I'm already 8 weeks in!

To answer some of the questions you might have...

* yes, we were trying; no, we really didn't expect it to happen so fast
* Henry and the baby will be 21 months apart if baby goes full term
* we don't have any gut feelings about what this baby is; Daddy thinks maybe girl but is mostly just basing that on how different this pregnancy is so far physically
* we will be over the moon about either boy or girl - can think of really good reasons to want either
* my first appointment is tomorrow, Aug. 13; we're having a sonogram also
* we've found that I am progesterone deficient again this time, so I'm taking supplements again
* we haven't really talked names yet; I doubt we will until we know the sex
* we should be able to know the sex sometime in late October

So far, I'm finding that I am having a hard time physically. This pregnancy is just different from my last. I'd say the prevailing symptom of early pregnancy last time was fatigue and mild heartburn (which progressed to violent heartburn as the months went on). I did experience some nausea, but I don't remember it being this miserable. I do also have heartburn - the last couple of days being really noticeable - but the most misery-inducing symptom for me this time is all-day nausea.

I am not typically a person who vomits. Very few times ever in my memory, with the worst case being a stomach flu in college. No matter how sick I feel, I never throw up, so I never get even a moment's relief. I'm not necessarily wishing I were vomiting, but I can't help but think I might feel better after doing so, even for a few minutes. It makes food taste funny, and makes my appetite and appeal for foods very volatile. Some days I'm hungry, others I'm not. Some days I can eat anything, but most days very little sounds good enough to eat. It hits really hard in late afternoon and evening, making it hard to cook supper a lot of nights. There have been several frozen pizza meals because it's all I can stomach. The icing on the cake is constant bloat/gas/general upset in the digestive system. Is it September yet???

Despite all this, we are very excited and very happy to be adding to our family. Stay tuned for updates!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

What does Henry say?

At 13 and a half months, everything about Henry is growing; including his vocabulary. I recently made a list of all the words he is saying, has said in at least one isolated incident, and those he is signing. There's several more words that he understands but isn't verbalizing yet. I may amend these lists as I keep thinking of more words to add.

Words Henry says regularly or when prompted:
moo (cow sound)
ba-ah-ah (sheep sound)
ooh-ooh-ahh-ahh (monkey sound)
oodle-doo (rooster sound)

Words Henry has said at least once, but won't necessarily say when prompted:
nana (banana)

Words Henry can sign:
all done

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bumps and bruises: with walking comes falling!

Henry's been walking for about six weeks now and is getting better at it every day. It's amazed me how quickly he's gone from one or two tumbling steps to a scamper across the room. He's not running yet, but is getting close to that.

Of course, with walking comes falling. Over the past few weeks, Henry has had more falls, bumps, and bruises than in his entire life. He is definitely more steady on his feet than when he started, but he does not have the coordination to watch where he steps. He is looking up, not down, and trips easily over his toys and even furniture. And, from time to time he still just loses his balance or footing and comes toppling down. He's a tough boy and usually gets right back up. A number of his boo-boos showed up as a surprise to me because he never cried or complained after a tumble, even if he earned a bruise to show for it. There have been a time or two, though, where he falls hard, and needs us to kiss away the boo-boo. One even resulted in a big nasty black eye!

Henry with Uncle Mike - check out that shiner!

In the spirit of making every opportunity a learning experience, I'm working on teaching Henry a new word: "ouch." I am using these falls and resulting boo-boos to help him learn what it means when something hurts. I think it's an important concept because it can help me to communicate to him better if he's about to do something that will result in injury - to himself or others. If he's pulling a playmate's hair, I can say, "no, Henry, that's ouchy." If he's about to climb up on something unsteady, or touch something hot, I can warn him with a "Henry - no! Ouch!"

For a young toddler, a simple word-concept is a lot easier to teach and use than a more complicated one. It is also easier at this age to have an universal warning I can use in any potentially dangerous situation rather than attempting to show a 13-month old every possible place in the home they could get hurt. Chances are, they still won't understand even if you try. Once Henry understands "ouch" he'll be able to apply that idea to any situation - ones we're prepared for, and those we're not.

The Death of the Little Yellow Race Car

Let's have a moment of silence for the little yellow race car.

Yes, I'm afraid it's true. Henry's most beloved toy - which also makes it one of my proudest yard-sale treasures ever - has been laid to rest. You want the scoop? It's a tale of dirty little secrets that I am going to confess to you today. I'm ready to blow this story out of the water.

Last Thursday afternoon, I got Henry up from his nap, changed a massive dirty diaper, and fed him a snack. A completely innocuous and entirely routine chain of events. Or so I thought.

We'd been fighting a case of diaper rash that was threatening to get really nasty. Protocol is a temporary change in diet, lots of diaper cream, and plenty of time roaming around the house sans diaper. A naked hiney is a happy hiney. So, after his snack, I removed his diaper. It was standard operation.

We played for a few minutes in the playroom when the dryer buzzer blared, alerting me to change loads. I picked Henry up to come with me but he protested - LOUDLY - wanting to stay to play with his toys. I decided to let him stay for the five minutes it would take me to switch loads and fold clothes. I was aware of the risk that he might have a potty accident, but tee-tee is pretty easy to clean up, and he had just had a major poopy diaper not long before. The risk that there was even enough poop in him at that point to make any kind of mess seemed minimal.

That is where I was wrong.

I returned as quickly as possible - I estimate four and half or five minutes. That was all the time it took. Upon entering the room, I saw a poop trail four feet in length, clumps and streaks, leading to under our computer desk. I found him there under the desk, covered in poop, with a poop-smeared toy in each hand. The look on his face was bewilderment. I could see the thought-bubble above his head: "Mama - this chocolate icing tastes funny." *gag*

I flew over and picked him up, first trying to hold him out from me but quickly realizing it was of no use. It was already all over me, and he was now reaching and grabbing ahold of my hair and shirt. *gag* I carried him through the house to the bathroom laughing out loud because, well - what else could I do??

I deposited him in the bathtub, running the shower first to hose the poop off of him, then drawing a bath. We scrubbed in shallow water for a few minutes, drained then ran another bath for an extra rinse. When I had him dried and DIAPERED again, I headed for the playroom to assess the damage once again. I was feeling frantic because it was now almost time when I would expect Zac home, and I was now behind in getting supper ready. We had a church event that evening, and I was feeling stressed to get it all done in time.

I made it as far as the kitchen when I heard him. Zac had come home a little early, and was in the playroom. I stopped dead in my tracks. He said, "I see what happened." I told him I was in the process of cleaning up and that he could tend to Henry or he could clean up the playroom. I was 100% sure he'd come get Henry but to my surprise and delight, he opted to clean the playroom. What a prince!!! I got supper going and found my nerves again.

So, that's the poop story.

Wait - what about the little yellow race car, you ask?

Well, you remember that I said he had a poop-smeared toy in each hand? One of them was the little yellow race car. It was in baaaaaad shape. I began the tedious job of cleaning it after we returned from church that night. I worked on it for about twenty minutes before I decided it was a lost cause. There was poop in the wheel wells. Henry had taken it "muddin" in the trail of poop. When I announced I was going to throw it away, Zac came to take a look at it and attempted to take it completely apart. We couldn't get behind the wheels no matter how we tried. Maybe immersing in hot water, but then it likely wouldn't work after that anyway. We sadly bid it farewell. Henry lay sleeping in his bed, none the wiser. I hated the idea of his favorite toy being gone forever.

Well, that's how the end of the little yellow race car came about.

What - you want a happy ending?? Okay, I think I may have one for you:

I had gone to bed early that night, and when Zac finally turned in, he told me that he had searched and found another race car online, ordered it, and even paid the extra few dollars for expedited shipping! See, didn't I tell you? He's a PRINCE!!! Daddy saved the day! You'll notice it isn't exactly the same, but the original had been a yard sale find and probably a few years old.

This is the closest we could find. It arrived today, and the smile on Henry's face when Daddy opened the box was as big as Texas. He carried it around the house, putting it on things like couches, bookshelves, and chairs just like he used to. It made our hearts swell. That kid sure is something special - poop and all.

An unscheduled hiatus...

Well, well, well. Too bad the author of this blog has been too busy to bother informing any of her devoted readers (choke) why she's been M.I.A. or when she planned to return. Hmm! The nerve!

I'm truly sorry. A sort of life-changing thing has occurred and I'm almost ready to share with you all. I've been away from both of my blogs for the better part of two weeks now to a) keep myself from spilling the beans prematurely and b) because this life-changing thing has just kind of consumed me.

I have about three posts I'm crafting in my mind and am needing to get down in writing soon because between these posts and the life-changing-thing there isn't any more room in the limited capacity of my brain for simple things like breathing. I apologize in advance for the onslaught of information and updates to come.

I hate that I've missed my regular posts like my devotionals, Fertilizer Friday (on my other blog) and Make Your Home Sing Monday. And Henry's been busy so I have lots to report about him as well. I'm so behind and can't wait to get back in the swing of things. Oh, and this life-changing thing will certainly have its place here too. *wink*

Stand by for news.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Making Your Home Sing Monday

Making your home sing Mondays

As promised last week, I've embarked in a study of Proverbs 31 in the hopes of refining my role as a wife, mother, and maker of my home according to God. I will make an installment of this study every week as a part of Nan's Monday meme, Making Your Home Sing at Momstheword. Be sure you link to her fabulous blog to read what she and other ladies are doing to bless their homes.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her,
so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
-- Proverbs 31:11-12 (KJV)

Trust is an integral part of any marriage. How firm in the foundation of a relationship where trust is lacking? As I studied these verses, I began looking for the ways my husband trusts in me. What confidences does he have in me? In what ways is he counting on me? Am I giving him reason to trust in me?

I am 100% faithful to my husband and I do not give him reason to think otherwise. I do not talk to or spend time alone with other men without my husband's knowledge. This doesn't mean I am no longer allowed to speak to the male friends I had before my marriage - but rather that if and when I am in contact with them (which is limited anyway) I am sure to always tell my husband that I have spoken with them. I don't consider this to be the relinquishment of any rights - I do it out of respect to my husband and to our marriage. I expect the same of him. I believe the open dialogue adds to the trust we share. If there were secretive relationships - even of a strictly platonic nature - it would sure indicate a lack of trust between us.

My husband is working hard so that I can stay at home. This doesn't mean I don't have a job, as stay-at-home moms know. It just means my job has changed. It's a 24/7 gig with no vacation or sick days. Please don't consider this a complaint - I am so blessed to be in this position. There are days I need to be reminded that I have such a special job. My husband should be able to have confidence in my ability to do this job. He should feel confident that I'll prepare and serve meals every day, that I'll keep the house clean, that his work clothes will be washed when he needs them, and that our son is cared for, is learning, and is getting quality time every day. There should be no doubt that I'm raising our child(ren) according to our mutual beliefs and values. He should be able to trust that I'm spending our money in the ways we've agreed.

My husband deserves to know and be assured that I am not talking negatively behind his back, and that I am honoring him by presenting myself appropriately at all times. If I were to behave erratically, irresponsibly, or inappropriately, it would reflect poorly on him as well as on our church. My husband deserves my respect and I need to practice self-control to keep my anger and frustration at bay. I'll confess - this one is an area I really need to focus on! I need to be in prayer daily to ask God to help me keep my emotions in check. The Proverbs 31 wife will look for ways to lift up her husband - not put him down. She'll do thoughtful things for him; she'll consider him in all her decisions; she'll make him feel special, and acknowledge the things he does for her and the family. Whoa - there's a LOT I need to work on!

This week, I'll consciously work at being this Proverbs 31 wife to my husband. I hope to break bad habits and make better ones. He deserves it, and I know by modeling myself after this woman that God has laid before me in His Word, I'll be honoring Him - and He will bless us.

Daily Devotional

And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah,
and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem,
and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you,
Be not afriad nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude;
for the battle is not yours, but God's. -- 2 Chronicals 20:15 (KJV)

I'm familiar with feeling overwhelmed. I have had several jobs in my past that can lead to one experiencing this feeling, such as waiting tables, fighting a deadline for a publication, and being responsible for up to 22 young children - and their educational goals - at a time. It tempts me to want to shut down and back away from the stressful situation, but I'm not often afforded that option. The food gets cold, the deadline will be missed, or a child could slip through the cracks.

As a full time mommy now, I still have things to get stressed about. Laundry and other chores that get put off and then pile up; getting to appointments on time with a fussy toddler in tow; keeping up with a budget, etc. If I allow it, I could probably drum up stress in any situation - I seem to be a magnet for it.

Is this healthy for my family? Is it healthy for me? Should I bear the burden of stress so often that it hurts my spirit?
NO! Would the visible stress on my face give a false testimony about my very satisfying and happy life? Would it possibly hurt my testimony about having faith in God? Could it even get in the way of my relationship with God? YES!

In the verse, we are reminded that no matter how daunting the task, we shouldn't be dismayed. In all things, we should lean on and look to God for strength and for the strategy to get through the "battle." Like any of our worries, we are told to lay them at His feet - He will get us through.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Little Helper

Henry has reached a very clingy, very needy phase. Though I do love the extra snuggles I get out of it, it makes it challenging to get much done around the house. He won't let me work on many of my chores because essentially it means I'm not giving him 100% of my attention - of which he is very deserving, but results in a messier house and a frazzled mama. I won't be too torn up when he decides a little independence is a good thing again.

When in the kitchen, I have two lower cabinets with pull out drawers full of tupperware and other plastics that are kid-safe and fun to explore. Sometimes I can convince him to sit and play in these drawers long enough for me to wash a few dishes, prepare a meal, or put away groceries. Most of the time though he would rather follow me around the narrow galley-style kitchen, clinging to the back of my legs. ;)

I decided I might as well put him to work!

Isn't he the cutest little dishwasher you ever saw??

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daily Devotional

Say not thou, I will recompense evil;
but wait on the Lord, and he shall save thee.
-- Proverbs 20:22 KJV

**In my devotional book, this verse was taken a little out of context I think, so I'm going to go two directions here: one way discussing the verse as the devotional took it, and secondly the way I believe it is intended within the context of this chapter in the Bible. They both speak of patience, but in very different ways.**

The devotional story talked about a scenario at a grocery store where a customer grew impatient with a slow-moving line and proceeded to make several hateful comments and complaints aloud. The author of this story struck my heart when she wrote that "impatience reveals a selfish and mean spirit while showing patience is really a simple act of kindness." What a basic and common sense concept! How often I too have felt impatient about a delayed expectation, sometimes even being transparent enough that others around me would notice my frustration. In the moment, you feel a little bit justified and satisfied to express these feelings so that whomever you're waiting on might move a little faster to suit you. I hope I can remember that keeping my impatience to myself - or better yet, not submitting to my human-nature at all - would be a simple show of kindness and a reflection of my Godly spirit that would honor Him and give Him glory.

I'm so glad that God is eternally patient. He NEVER tires of our shenanigans or our disobedience to the point that he'd walk away and give up on our salvation. He knows how sinful and wicked we are in our human-nature, and yet he pursues us and desires us to come to Him for redemption. He offers His gift of eternal life with no strings attached beyond a child-like faith in Christ, and with no take-backs. What a patient and loving God!

In the 20th chapter of Proverbs, Solomon gives warnings and instructions to God's people. In verse 22, I believe he issues warning to not look to oneself for salvation but to wait on God. We are all tarnished and imperfect, and only in God can we be made whole and clean. We shouldn't look for ways to justify our sins; when we repent from these sins, we will be redeemed by God's mercy. Salvation does not lie within ourselves or our own power - despite what "the world" would have you believe with all it's new-age and free-thinking movements. Wait and look to the Lord for redemption - "he shall save thee."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Making Your Home Sing Monday

Have you stopped by MomstheWord today??

Making your home sing Mondays

I am a work-in-progress when it comes to being a Proverbs 31 wife and mother. That is to say, it takes a lot of work, and there hasn't been much progress. :) I am starting a series of 'Making Your Home Sing Mondays' based on this "virtuous woman... for her price is far above rubies." (Proverbs 31:10 KJV)

I know that God loves me unconditionally, and that though I have not in any way deserved it, I have been given the gift of His forgiveness. That alone is treasure enough and the only real gift anyone needs. And though I know that becoming this woman won't make Him love me more, knowing that it would enable me to show love more abundantly to my family is also a gift.

For this week, I'll just start by saying that I am committing to studying the ways of this woman, and making my heart more malleable that I could become more like her. This will be a personal study, but the fruits of it will certainly be reaped by my husband, my son, and my home. By seeking God's wisdom and example for me in His Word, I will be a better wife, mother, and homemaker.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Little Mozart

When you're in the 97th percentile for height, mama shouldn't be surprised to hear you playing from the other room. If anything, she should be surprised at how fast you got there. *wink*

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Daily Devotional

The hearing ear, and the seeing eye,
the Lord hath made even both of them.
--Proverbs 20:12

And what would He have us to do with them? Should we use our eyes for lust or looking upon wicked things? Should we use our ears for spreading hurtful gossip or for listening to filth?

So, what WOULD He have us to do with our eyes and ears? We can use our ears to listen when others are hurting. We can use our eyes to look for lost people, or for opportunities to help one another. We can use both eyes and ears to learn from the Bible and from our brothers and sisters in Christ who will share their wisdom with us. Our eyes should look for God's unconditional love that we may follow His example. Our ears should be open so that we can discern good from evil, righteousness from wickedness.

Bling for my Blog

I just wanted to take a short moment to thank my friend and fellow blogger, Mandy, for giving my blog a little face-lift. If you'll notice, the labels in my side bar are new. She custom-designed these for me. She has a real flair for creative and unique digital handiwork. She has just started selling her designs at her Etsy shop where she's offering a grand opening sale. Her blog is listed in my blogroll, but you can also click here - go on over and check out her beautiful blog!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daily Devotional

I'm going through a book of short-n-sweet daily devotionals for women. It occurred to me to share them here so they may bless someone besides myself.

Who, when he came,
and had seen the grace of God,
was glad,
and exhorted them all,
that with purpose of heart

they would cleave unto the Lord. --Acts 11:23, KJV

This verse talks of Barnabus' reaction to the witness of the establishment of the church at Antioch. His heart was joy and Spirit-filled, and he desired that more would be added unto the Lord. He could see the happiness and peace among these young Christians, and he wanted more people to experience this peace and joy. I think, as a Christian, it is simple to understand this desire. When we delight in the Lord and His rich abundance in our lives, it isn't hard to want others to share in our joy and to know the same kind of peace in their own lives. Today I want to strive to allow God to show me ways I can spread a little love and joy to those around me.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Birthday Party Fun

This past Saturday we hosted our closest family members at our home to celebrate Henry's first birthday. It was a small event (though in a home the size of ours, it felt much bigger) but it was a cherished time to share with those who love our little man so much.

Henry made out like a bandit - he got so many great new toys, books, outfits, and so many sweet birthday wishes. He didn't seem too shy amid the room full of ooh-ers and aah-ers and flashing cameras that would rival that of a red-carpet premiere. We enjoyed a causal supper of fresh deli sandwiches along with chicken salad, fruit salad, chips, and a variety of chocolate and white cupcakes.

After everyone had eaten, we gathered around Henry to watch him eat his own chocolate cupcake. As you'll recall from last week's post, he had his first taste of chocolate on his actual birthday, so by this time he was a professional, and I'd say his smash-cake skills had been finely honed. His mess was bigger, better, and more chocolate-covered. My little piggy ate every last bite of his cupcake... except for the tablespoons of icing that were smeared around his mouth.

I am so thankful to all our lovely family who came, to those who couldn't be with us, and to God for the miracle we have in Henry that it would bring us all together to celebrate. Follow us for another year of everyday blessings.

"Making Your Home Sing" Monday

Over at Momstheword, Nan encourages us to make our homes sing every Monday. I love this meme and am (formally) participating for the first time this week. I actually found Nan's blog through my gardening blog circle, but I think this fits more appropriately here at Everyday Blessings. While I think every day is an opportunity to bless my family, I hope to make it a habit to share what I'm doing each week. I think this will also encourage me to make a more conscious effort in my every task to "make my home sing."

Since having my son and becoming a SAHM, our family has cut down considerably on eating out. This means more sit-down, traditional family mealtimes, and is exactly what I want my children to grow up knowing as a staple of family life. I will be the first to admit that my domestic talents do not include cooking, but I'm doing it anyway, and I hope in time I will have found a collection of recipes my family and I like that I can prepare without incident.

Part of this responsibility includes planning my meals for the upcoming week and the cooresponding shopping list. I live almost 20 miles from the grocery store, so I don't frequently just "run out" to pick something up. It isn't economical to be unprepared. That isn't to say I don't end up back in town again later in the week, at which time I can pick up additional needed things, but generally, I try to make it a weekly trip.

I sit down with a printed calendar each week and fill in the main course I'll serve for every day. I have kept previous months calendars and sometimes use those for ideas, but I also reference cook books, magazines and occasionally the web for new recipes to try. I generally do this on Monday or sometimes Tuesday mornings. Tuesday is grocery shopping day. I compile my list to cover every day up to the following Tuesday. It's nice to have this predictability in my life, but I am one of those OCD types.

I try to make it a goal to find at least one new recipe to try each week. Some weeks it doesn't happen, and other weeks the new recipe is a flop (or I'm the flop... either way it isn't edible.) I'm also making a real effort to prepare meals that are more nutritious than what we'd typically eaten in our previous lifestyle. With little eyes watching and little minds absorbing everything we say and do, I want to set examples for healthy habits.

I'm relatively new to blog land - does anyone know of any good nutritious, kid-friendly (because my dear husband is as picky as my dear son) foody or meal planning blogs out there? I don't have access to a lot of exotic or rare ingredients (and we likely wouldn't eat them anyway) so simple is better. I'd love to expand my repertoire.

Thanks, Nan, for helping me to remember to bless my family. Go check her out and share about how you are blessing your family today!

Making your home sing Mondays

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Henry!!!

Happy Birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,

happy birthday, Dear Henry,

happy birthday to you!!!

My baby is ONE today! I've spent much of the past 24 hours remembering the hours and moments leading up to the birth of my son, and I just really can't believe it's been a whole year since that day. It was life-changing, to say the least - but this is the life I would choose if I had to do it again. Being his mama, spending every day with him, learning about him and watching him learn, seeing first smiles, giggles, rolls, steps and discoveries. It's been a gift and a blessing straight from God, and for that I'm thankful.

We're just doing a small celebration here today - his birthday party will be next Saturday. I made him a chocolate cake - his first chocolate experience! - and he'll have a small gift or two to open.

I can't wait to see how this next year continues to bless us, but I can't help but wish it would slow down a little, so I can savor his baby days a little longer.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Milestone: First Steps

Milestone Alert! On Monday, Henry took his first steps. It was right after lunchtime, and I was on the floor with him playing with toys. I helped him stand up and as soon as he was on his feet he took about three or four steps toward me. I don't even think he realized he was doing it.

We've known he was close. The day before, Daddy watched him take one step. He's been walking all over the place with his push-walker and while holding our hands. Over the past week or two he's been increasing the length of time he could stand after letting go of whatever was supporting him. It's been coming, but I still think it surprised us when he actually did it. I called Daddy immediately to tell him, and when he got home he got to watch Henry take a few steps as well. That evening we practiced some more, and again yesterday. Last night he walked several times back and forth between Daddy and me. He seems to enjoy it - or at least the praise and cheering we give him when he does it. I'm such a proud mama!!

It's just one more reminder that my baby isn't really a baby anymore at all. His first birthday is just three days away. *tear*

Monday, June 8, 2009

Photo Update: Tooth

Here, if you make a funny squinty face, you can see the lower left lateral incisor I posted about last week. The new top tooth has been harder to see, let alone photograph, but if I get a good shot of it, I'll add it here too. And, no, that's not war paint - it's squash! :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Henry Meets Stryker

I'm a member of an online forum for moms and I really love it. Within this forum is a group of moms whose babies were all born at about the same time as Henry. This 'playroom' as we call it has been a fantastic resource when a new mom (that's me) has had umpteen random questions that sure enough other moms are also asking that BTDT (been there, done that) moms can answer.

Here's a small-world phenomenon for you: this forum is full of women from all over the world, and there are several others just like it. The town I live in is quite small and rural. Yet, another of the moms whose little boy - his name is Stryker - was born just three weeks after Henry is from my small town. Two women from the same speck on the map found each other in this massive online forum! She and her husband actually now live in Washington state (military), but recently she was down here visiting her family and we decided to have lunch. Here are a few pictures of our lunch. We didn't plan for them to be dressed alike, but how cute that they were! Of course, too bad Henry couldn't look happy about it or anything. ;)

After our lunch, Stryker and his mama had some errands to run, so we parted ways. I had already planned to go to the park and put Henry in a swing, so here are a few park pictures as well. He loved swinging and going down the slide with Mama. :)