Had an OB appointment this morning and I have to say I went in feeling rather optimistic for some news that things were happening. If what I'm experiencing physically is any indication, and if you throw in my intuitive belief that Stella isn't planning to wait until her due date, I just knew there would be some sign of progression. I tried to prepare myself for zero progress at the same time, just so I wouldn't be obviously disappointed when she told me Stella was renewing her lease.
The report is that my blood pressure is excellent, my physical miseries are normal for second and subsequent pregnancies, and it doesn't look like her arrival is super imminent. I'm dilated to somewhere between a fingertip and 1cm with no notable effacement. On the one hand, it's a real bummer. On the other hand, I know 36wks is still really too soon, and no matter how miserable I am, I don't want her to come until she's really done baking. 37wks is when most of the medical community agrees a baby is full term, so if we can make it just one more week, then I'll be drawing up the eviction notice to vacate the premises effective immediately.
With such good blood pressure, it's looking an awful lot like I'm not going to be induced. We're still going to consider her size at the sonogram scheduled for next Friday, but even today she measured at more like one week ahead instead of two - maybe because she isn't so big after all. This all leads to the realization and excitement that this labor and delivery might be a lot different than my last. With Henry, the induction was planned, and since my body wasn't really ready, it was a long, hard labor. It appears Stella's arrival is a secret known only to God right now. The day, the time, how it feels to actually go into labor on my own, and the anticipation of waiting for it... all makes for some real excitement. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, I think. Labor won't be fun, but I think, now that I've been there and done that, I'm at least more prepared for it. I can better appreciate what a miracle it really is, and that at the end of something difficult, there is a true gift from God to hold in my arms. What a blessing.
My next appointment will be Tuesday. Anything could happen between now and then, so stand by!
4 years ago