Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh, the irony!

It's no great secret that my son isn't the world's best sleeper. Even at eight and a half months, we are still enduring night waking frequently. Some nights are better than others, but an uninterrupted night is a rarity. And we consider sleeping past 6am a luxury. He hasn't needed a night feeding since he was around three months old, but for reasons that continue to elude us, he is generally a restless little man. We have been sleep training practically since birth, and while there are clear benefits from this effort, his problem seems to be simply staying asleep. This, I think, is just the M.O. of some babies - some sleep better than others. It probably doesn't help that I haven't committed to weaning from the paci either. ;)

Monday night, after several solid nights of waking, crying, fitful sleep (and not much of it), Daddy was going to be "on duty" because, in a role reversal, I would be volunteering the next day while Daddy would have the day off to be with Henry. I have to admit I was a little excited at the prospect of a "night off."

Well, Henry and Daddy must have struck up some kind of man-pact, because he went down at 7pm, didn't make a sound ALL night, and even slept until about 7am, which is unheard of anymore. I was thankful because it meant WE ALL had a good night's sleep, but I can't help but see the irony of that situation. :)


  1. Man-pact maybe... I would be checking for benedryl or dynamatype (sorry i can't spell). Love you.

  2. THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME TOO !! I'm glad I'm not alone...maybe it is time to make a pact with mom ;-)
