Well, after watching Henry's peers whisper, shout, shake, and squeal the word "no" at their parents, sometimes in jest and often in defiance, my day has come.
Henry has finally discovered the word "no."
As of today, I don't think he really knows how to use it. If I ask him a yes or no question, he doesn't respond verbally, either in negative or affirmative (though if he understands the context of what I'm asking, he does respond to that with appropriate action.) If I give a command, he hasn't thrown down that gauntlet. But, now, when I tell him "no, no, Henry" he likes to repeat me. Of course as he says it, he's still doing what I told him not to 99% of the time, but he's experimenting with the word. When we sing "This Little Light of Mine" and we get to the verse "Hide it under a bushel - NO!" he likes to say the "no," often with fervor.
I know it is only a short time before I'm arguing with my toddler. Lord, give me patience and good humor.
4 years ago